3 Reasons Why I Choose to Work with a Nutrition Coach, as a Nutrition Coach

women looking at a recipe book during nutrition coaching session

coaches need coaches too!

As a nutrition coach it’s easy to put your clients and their goals ahead of your own. Having my own coach ensures I continue to prioritize my own goals. My coach holds me accountable for reaching goals, and frequently checking in to measure progress.

While I was actively pursuing endurance sports, I felt I knew a lot about the nutrition necessary to fuel my body, but boy, was I mistaken. I can still hear my brother’s voice, now in my head, saying, “You need more protein!” but at that time not realizing why protein was so vital to my performance.

Fast forward to being introduced to macronutrient (macros) tracking.

Prior to understanding macros tracking, my understanding of what I needed to fuel my body for performance and recovery was incomplete. Never mind considering the exceptional volume of training I was engaged in during my marathon, Ironman, and ultra-running days. While my athletic pursuits look different today, what I need to fuel my body is just as important to ensure I’m fueling to maintain muscle mass and the body composition I desire. Not to mention ensure I have the necessary energy to do all the things I “need to do” and still leave energy to do the things I love to do.

After becoming a certified Nutrition Coach, I made the conscious decision to engage my own Nutrition Coach for a handful of reasons.

Continued Growth and Learning

When we believe we know it all, we stop learning and growing! By working with my own nutrition coach, I’m exposed to a coach of longer tenure, his lessons learned and a different coaching style. Seeing greater/different experiences in action, and an alternative coaching style to my own, helps me learn faster and puts additional arrows in my quiver to bring forward to my clients.

My coach also acts as a sounding board when I need to discuss my own clients’ challenges and to make sure I’m not overlooking a valuable alternative perspective.


As a nutrition coach, it’s easy to put your clients and their goals ahead of your own. Having my own coach ensures I continue to prioritize my own goals. My coach holds me accountable for reaching goals, and frequently checking in to measure progress.


I have my own set of challenges and life circumstances, and it’s easy to focus on what’s not going well as opposed to the things that are. My coach helps me look objectively at my own circumstance and recognize what actions I am taking to achieve my goal. My coach also helps balance my own expectations based on everything I have on my plate.

Not all goals will be achieved as quickly as others, and having someone to support me through the ups and downs ensures I stay the course even when I get discouraged.

All of this is to say - I’m not asking my clients to do something that I’m not willing to do myself.

As I navigate my own obstacles and successes, I’m able to better relate to my prospective and current clients, ensuring I provide the support that comes from a place of both experience and genuine understanding.

Hi. I’m Katie.

a Working Against Gravity Certified Nutrition Coach, a 10-year practitioner and leader in clean beauty with the support of Beautycounter, a lifelong athlete and learner. Today my focus is on helping others down their own path of healthier choice and a lifestyle that supports their individual goals.

Katie Tansey

Hi. I’m Katie. Follow my blog for……


Chocolate Protein Balls


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